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How To Get More People To Like You

How To Get More People To Like You

Perception creates reality. This isn’t just a catchy phrase. In this video I explain to men the perils of sending the wrong message in dating. This also applies to women. If you want more people to like you and continue to date you, past a first meeting, then you must claim your POWER! There are...


How To Approach A Stranger And Get A Date

Are you still waiting for the perfect moment to perfect your game? Game is the technical term for the ability to seduce and influence romantic interests. When you’re single having ‘good game’ is well, a game changer. Imagine that you had the ability to see someone that you’re attracted to and with almost little effort...


How To Keep Your Date Interested

Do you know who you are? In one of my favorite books, Emotional Resilience, self-esteem is classified as the difference between the person you think you are to the person you think you should be. Sometimes the difference is so confusing that instead of understanding who we are, we hold tight to an image of...

How To Attract Women Easily

How To Attract Women Easily

Successful dating is all about attracting the right people. Men have the impossible task of always approaching women and that can take a toll on yourself esteem if you’re constantly facing rejection. It’s far easier to attract the right women to you than to be constantly approaching potential dates that aren’t interested. Attracting a woman...