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Three Dating Truths That All Single Men And Women Should Know

There are rules to dating. Clearly they’re not posted anywhere convenient but when people don’t follow proper etiquette or protocol it doesn’t go unnoticed. Call them social mores or requisites but as unpredictable as dating can be single men and women still have certain expectations. We may not have a manual but once you’re of...


The One Thing Single Men Should Never Assume

We all know what they say about assumptions yet in dating single men and women make them all of the time. In few instances are assumptions ever accurate. They create false perceptions and they negatively influence our interactions. One of the biggest misconceptions and the most damaging come from single men when they assume that...


Don’t Waste Your Time With Useless Conversations

What most single men and women really hate about dating are the negative feelings associated with approaching strangers. Judgment, embarrassment, rejection, shame, awkwardness, nervousness are just a few of the feelings that men and women frantically avoid. These feelings are why many singles absolutely detest having to approach anyone.For a woman approaching a man it...